Data Use Policy

All data collected through this website is subject to the following data usage policy.

We will not rent or sell any personally-identifying information to anyone. We do not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described below. We will take all reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction of personally-identifying information.

We may use data we collect for a variety of purposes to support our mission, to be a trusted thought leader that serves Oregon’s public and non-profit sectors by i) operating an advanced statewide network that is resilient, cost-effective, and sustainable and ii) fostering innovation and collaboration through forward-looking technology leadership. In this work, we collaborate with public and non-profit partners to advance the level of broadband connectivity for all Oregonians and to refine the associated assessment metrics. These uses may include the following:

  1. We may directly use data to conduct research related to supporting a statewide, crowd-sourced broadband mapping and analysis project.
  2. Data may be shared with our partners for the purpose of supporting a) a statewide, crowd-sourced broadband mapping and analysis project and b) community and regional broadband planning efforts.
  3. De-identified or aggregate data may be shared with other entities, including for research and analysis purposes.  De-identified data is data that is not linked or reasonably linkable to a particular person, street address, or device.  Aggregate data is data we collect that has been combined with information from others such that the recipient of the data cannot identify any particular person, street address, or device from the data.
  4. Data may be shared as required by applicable law.

All data and information collected by M-Lab is subject to M-Lab’s Data Policy.